School of Wrad
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SCHOOL OF WRÅD the seeds of change

The first independent training platform for those who, just like us, are determined to challenge the status quo of the fashion industry sowing ideas, awareness and a good dose of provocation for change.


So, we gotta warn you: do not join this course if you’re not up for a challenge!

SOW School of WRÅD is not recommended for those seeking easy solutions to the problems of the fashion industry. This is because an easy way out of a complex issue isn’t realistic. Frustrating, uh? We know. And that’s precisely why we created S.O.W. School Of WRÅD in the first place: after endless sleepless nights, tormented by our own doubts on how to move forward, we felt the need to share with you all the contradictions of our job and the tools developed so far to overcome them.


Our common objective? Redefining, together, the role of clothing in the XXI century.


We disseminate awareness through education on the culture of sustainability. Sharing the ideas, models and learnings of many experts who approach the discipline with a systemic mindset, we strive to create a collaborative workspace to redesign the foundation of the fashion industry, balancing the stakes of all species (human and extra-human) of the planet.


1x1 Business Model:

Being digital enables us to scale the sowing of the seeds of change, making our community more inclusive and accessible.

With every S.O.W. School of WRÅD sold we will gift a workshop on sustainability to students from less advantaged contexts around the world.



We’re ambitious. Our long term goal is to create an open-source space to connect students, professors, designers, innovators, free thinkers and rebels all over the world. We want to build a platform to empower people’s choices and to feed their (and our) spirit of initiative.




better design

You will learn to appreciate the complexity of responsible fashion development, training a holistic view to understand the human, social and environmental dimensions involved. You will explore the potential of materials and processes to understand how to design textile products in a responsible and functional way.

The course is recommended for young fashion designers, and young professionals close to the product and marketing area in textile or fashion companies, but also for more senior figures who want to get closer to the main concepts of sustainable development.





better communication

How we can transform our communication in a powerful tool to make social and enviromental changes? In this course you will learn to use an empathic and an inclusive storytelling to inspire people  to make a change.

coming soon
